Role: Lead Designer

This was Neon Tigers first independant game effort. I managed pre-production directly. Our first action was to establish a vision document, business plan, and clearly defined business goals.

Next, Senior Designers and myself worked on the first draft of feature specifications. This quickly moved us through prototype phase and we demoed the game to independant investors. We were able to secure the investment needed to complete the project.

As Lead Designer, I managed three other seasoned designers and provided feedback on features, tutorial, and user experience. I also personally designed combat mechanics, special abilities, items, tech, and characters.


  • Established product vision and prioritized milestone features

  • Screened and hired artists, engineers, and designers

  • Successfully produced development milestones wihtin project budget and timeline

  • Organized remote artists and engineers through a virtual office

  • Delegated key departmental responsibilties to experienced professionals

  • Designed characters, abilities, and major game features

  • Oversaw multiple interations of combat mechanics


Field Runners Attack


Mad Pets